Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: alicecooper
Originally Posted By: Serpiente
True Nicky it is and was big in this area since the 80's not so much so in 70's all but the bikers .
The main users in the 80's were white males that were also into coke, and once they did meth that's it done deal they were hooked.
As we went through the 80's it was as big as it could be from bartenders, waitresses, cooks, dealers, bikers, builders, construction workers, it went crazy back then.Then the health issues started and people that could got as far away as they could from it.

Then at that point the hicks became loyal users ,and that is were most bikers come from.After the 80's I lost track of the drug.

Are you kidding me? Yes there is a co-relation, especially in the 1% clubs but to say that that is where most bikers come from is beyond moronic. So there were essentially no bikers until meth came along? I love the sweeping generalizations about bikers on this board.

Are a bunch of people on here writers for Gangland lol

It is true, Bandidos in LA are mostly meth heads and will sell it to anyone including kids in grade school.

I find it funny that bikers need to run in packs to be tough. You catch one of those guys one on one they will piss their pants. They only have balls when they are with their "Bros" and their patches are on. Must of been bullied when they were young.

"Bikers" means literally tens of thousands of people in the US alone. You just said they all "came from meth", and they are all pussies.

Posts like yours remove credibility from sites like this. More 1%ers come from the military than the dregs of meth addiction. Within the biker world in the US you will find everything from insane drug using murdering sociopaths to 100% stand-up old school badass motherfuckers, and everything in between. Hate to break it to you, but most bikers, and an awful lot of 1%ers are straight citizens who have no interest in you whatsoever.

You may be interested in them, but not the other way around.

Can you understand that some 1% chapters run high on criminality and some have basically none? If a guy in a club goes out and does meth that does not mean "bikers do meth" anymore than if a police officer goes out and does meth equates to "police do meth".

Your comments are ridiculous.