Originally Posted By: Serpiente
I know most think that Nicky sr. is a homicidal maniac . In his world he is not even close ,all the murders were justified .Now if you are a regular guy all but maybe Falcone / Salvie were the only ones that were not business.

But this little guy knew the moves in this life ,and just like Whip/Mafia are saying the writing was on the wall.
The "westside" seen all this coming ,the neighborhood falling apart in NY and much of the business heading to Jersey,and wanting it and giving back a little too get it.

I can tell you from being right there, and not knowing a dam thing of what was about to go down, that it was a frightening time for them, cos everyone was committing treason and not knowing the out come.The street was on lock down.They knew everyone coming and going.
Not one person out side of Nick and Phil could have known what Salerno/Caponigro were up to if they even knew through Manna.
But I do know like I said ,it was a scary time ,cos Bruno was going to make a move on Nick ,and this we all did know.(the lil guy was getting to big)

But if all this was planed it may be the best triple cross ever.

And yes jr.was going to take a shot at taking rackets from Philly I don't know if taking over the Philly family was what he was doing(Maybe taking the good rackets)and don't think for one minute that some Philly guys were not with him. He did have a good amount, and heavy guys with him from quite a few places.

Bingo, just had to quote this for truth. And to emphasize again that Nicky sr was not just some mad hatter serial murderer. He ruled in a violent, treacherous time, and was 100% rules first, by the book. The only hit that went down on his watch that really threw people for a loop was Testa, and honestly I'm sure he wasn't the first guy in history to get it for being too big for his britches.

Last edited by VegasMikey; 04/02/15 04:11 PM.