Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
Originally Posted By: blacksheep
I'm not gonna walk around with a gun because if I use it I would probably end up with my own legal battles.

Not if you use it in self defense. "Well, I'm not looking for no trouble but nobody dogs me 'round"

I think you will find that most states [like mine] where its easy to get a carry permit, have less crime than states where its hard to get a permit.

I have had a carry permit for 3o years, an armed society is a polite society.

Anyone who has the mentality that carrying a gun will cause them legal problems is someone who has clearly lived in an area controlled by liberals for an extended period (i should know, I lived in New Jersey for most of my life). It's a sad state of affairs when upstanding citizens feel that having a gun automatically leads to legal problems.

The second amendment is in the US constitution for a reason. Historical precedent provides that those governments which have become tyrannical, totalitarian, or abusive, have in most cases made strong attempts to disarm society.

For example, Germany began a strong campaign to disarm its citizenry in the 1920's. This continued on in the 1930's when the Nazis (the National SOCIALIST party for all you liberals) enacted stronger legislation. The national socialists strongly restricted firearm ownership among its citizenry and made firearm ownership outright illegal for gypsies as well as those deemed by the government to be undeserving of possessing civil liberties. As time went on, Jews and homosexuals (which makes sense as many high ranking Nazi officers were self hating homosexuals) were placed in that category. Its a-lot easier to arrest and slaughter millions of people when they cant fight back.


An interesting video from one of the rappers from my favorite rap group. His take on guns.

Last edited by ItalianForever; 03/31/15 09:53 PM.