Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
I have read countless times about the lax DEALING drugs rule BUT, is their any rules pertaining to members who USE drugs?
I imagine that it might also be lax as long as you aren't a walking mess, good earner and are always reliable but, I am not sure.

Also, does anyone know specific members who were in this category?

I believe I read that Joe Benanti fell into this category but, there HAS to be a lot more guys using.....Like how Frank Gangi said to calm his nerves and emotions, he HAD to wash down a bottle of jack with cocaine.

I knew of plenty of made guys that use or used drugs,but having said that, back in the day it was not a (stick in you face ) thing ,it would be behind the scenes type thing . I would hang with guys for years before I knew that they do "blow" in the back room or the bathroom.
Heroin" here was a big no"down here, if anyone thought you did it you were outed and if Nick sr. herd or thought that his guys were doing it he or they were "done" and thinking back I can't recall any of the made guys doing it(well one ) and ,like I said if you were family or a associate you were outed .Just way to risky ,those "feens" will do and say anything for that drug.

Now NY guys they were around it more and used it more from what I herd and seen through the years.

I could say names and the drug they used but it is not necessary ,nor fair to the family's that are left holding the grief.

Last edited by Serpiente; 03/30/15 11:45 AM.

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