True Nicky it is and was big in this area since the 80's not so much so in 70's all but the bikers .
The main users in the 80's were white males that were also into coke, and once they did meth that's it done deal they were hooked.
As we went through the 80's it was as big as it could be from bartenders, waitresses, cooks, dealers, bikers, builders, construction workers, it went crazy back then.Then the health issues started and people that could got as far away as they could from it.

Then at that point the hicks became loyal users ,and that is were most bikers come from.After the 80's I lost track of the drug.

Last edited by Serpiente; 03/30/15 09:47 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."