The year was 1991. Glory days for Bath Ave and the Bonnano family. They were selling crack to the neighborhood residents and using it behind closed doors. Paulie " brass" tommy reyonlds " techinical knockout" , " crazy joey" Calco, Fabrizio the " herder" and many others were the young guys in the neighborhood we all looked up to and wanted to become. We were a few years behind these guys and it looked like they had the world by the balls. Until crack reared its ugly head and it went from a Fri/Sat thing, to an everynight of the week thing. The superiors in the bononno family knew what the deal was,. but with the money rolling in, they dared not to upset the golden goose. Too bad bc i know paulie for one would have listened as getting made was the one thing he really wanted. Such wasted potential.