Originally Posted By: Belmont
Giulliani has a shit personality, comes across as ice cold, pompous, arrogant, but i give him all the credit in the world for cleaning up NYC; he knew how to get things done and didnt care if he upset anyone. Everything he did was for the common good, he put political correctness to the side.
Let me ask you this. If any of your daughters were living in NYC, who would you want the mayor to be? Giulliani or DiBlasio ?
If you have to think about it, you are somewhat clueless when it comes to combatting violent crime.

Exactly. He's not a likeable man at all. But if you're raising kids in this city, and you lived through the Dinkins era, and you still claim that you'd rather have Dinkins or de Blasio for mayor, you're either lying about being from New York, you don't care about your kids, or you're sick in the fucking head. You don't have to like the guy to see that he layed the groundwork for turning Manhattan from a cesspool into the safest big city in the world.

And as far as that Mafia nonsense where Giuliani is a traitor because he "went after his own kind," that's the most asinine thing I've ever fucking heard. Because when Barack Obama and Eric Holder (who I fucking loathe) fail to "go after their own kind," the same nitwits who call Giuliani a traitor are calling Obama and Holder racists---and again, I loathe Obama and Holder, and I don't particularly like Giuliani as a person. But what's right is right.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.