Seems to me, that if you keep making people keep things in private then it sends the message that there is something wrong with it.
What does a person or group have to fear if there is something displayed that they don't agree with?

Paul, you bring up the point of the GAY PRIDE WEEK. You make it sound like there is something wrong with that group. No one should have a problem with any Temporary banner being put up announcing it. Along side Black History month, Presidents' Day or any other recognized event. Should I fear any of these just because I don't agree with some of them? Hell NO!

Should I demand that the counter girl be removed because she has a tattoo or a piercing? Or the guy working behind the counter has blue colored hair, is Catholic, a Jew or is openly gay?

Why do some people have to demand that others rights be taken away or not be seen just because they fear or dislike something's?

Why do we allow government sponsored help without an open door for other things?

Why do people FEAR others religions that much?

If our elected leaders had told people that placement of these displays is to inform the public. Nothing more. The government is not forcing people to follow any of them.

"Well, old friend, are you ready to do me this service?"

"I believe in America. America has made my fortune."