Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Originally Posted By: TottiNotGotti

Yeah, sure buddy.

Your pals in the Mafia pick on the weakest and most vulnerable in society to benefit themselves. The IRA took on the most powerful in their society on behalf of the weak, generally at great personal cost and never to their individual gain.

Nonsense. A part of the IRA the UVF were about gangsterism and criminal protection rackets. Don't white wash that part. It was real and it's been extensively documented and acknowledged.

Documented by who?

The fact you are even comparing the UVF and the IRA is mental.

While the UVF and UDA were walking around with pet lions and smuggling drugs into the country IRA volunteers were living on a fiver a week and smuggling guns in to fight a war.

How many drug dealers and criminals do you know that died a death like Kevin Brady, or Pol Kinsella, or fought and died like Francie Hughes, or have a story like Gerry Kelly's, or suffered like Marion and Dolores Price and Frank Stagg and Michael Gaughan, or have the bravery of Jim Bryson?

Which volunteers enjoyed money and wealth and comfort in the same way that the hoods who celebrated on here do?