Originally Posted By: helenwheels
You should find a safer hobby. Maybe try javelin catching.

Holy shit that is funny. lol

Originally Posted By: blacksheep
Does it make any sense to anyone else that feds would bypass reading outgoing mail that they have every right to read, send 2 agents to someone's house just to ask a simple question and politely walk off? Something stinks in that story. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm saying maybe they wanted to check you out personally... you may have ended up on their radar with these letters. That's never a good thing dude

Does sound weird. I'm fairly certain they probably even photocopy outgoing letters so chances are they knew exactly what was being said so I doubt they would have wondered too far away from Newark just to shake someone up over a gangster that is serving life isn't he? Granted they might be seeing if he was trying to extort the kid out of money to put on his books so they could cut his communication like they did with Frankie Breeze.