Originally Posted By: pmac
There will be genefercation or what ever that word is every major city. Miami is to beautiful to be poor. They'll buy all the property 5 miles between the coast and take all. Think I just read that NYC is selling the projects to get out of so-called debt. Bother topic for another day.

Very true. But I didn't say that the American-born Jews were moving because Miami was getting poor, I only said it's White Flight wink.

The truth is quite the contrary because it's a very diverse group of wealthy people settling in Miami-Dade now. The moneyed Brazilians are buying up property like crazy. The poor Brazilians are moving to Broward County.

Florida's fucking weird. I couldn't live here full-time, no matter how much I complain when it gets cold up north.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.