Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
It's a sad thing that there is poverty, but at least there is more hope for this province than the others because the 'ndrangheta is weaker and not being based on blood ties, turn informants more easily.

It's a shame. It's such a beautiful area. My Mom's side is from a small town in Matera, Basilicata. You can do the drive from Cosenza in a couple hours (even in a rented Fiat lol). You have to head east, go up the coast, then head west again. But it's worth it because there are parts of Basilicata that are absolutely prehistoric. When Mel Gibson filmed "The Passion of the Christ" he chose Matera for the crucifixion scene because it's one of the most unchanged areas on the planet since the time of Christ. I don't know where you live, Dwalin. I never asked. But if you ever have the chance, you should check it out.

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