Here is something I find baffling about Joe Pistone that isn't related to the author of the post and for that, I apologize but, it does involve Joe Pistone.

What baffles me about Pistone is, HOW is it that Joe Pistone NEVER met or engaged with Joe Massino in his 5-6 years being so close to Sonny Black?......I do understand that bosses are very careful and only meet with close trusted high ranking members but, in Pistone's years of undercover, Massino was just a soldier..... I am almost positive that his capo at the time was Phil Lucky.

Just kind of odd how Pistone was chums with Black but never engaged with Massino in all that time.
Can anyone elaborate?

Also, does anyone know when Massino became a capo OR, did Massino move from soldier to boss in 1991?