I don't know exactly what you're looking for but..
So you know that a bookie takes the action and the winners pay the losers (aka bet 110 to win 100). Bookie keeps his, for all intents and purposes, commission for brokering the deal.

It is the bookie's goal to have just as much money on one side of a game as the other. Depending how big his operation is, he can weather a little money on one side over the other. But if too much dough goes to 1 team, he devolves to essentially a gambler. If too much money is getting bet to one team over another, a bookie has a couple of recourses. Some will move their own line on the game a point or two such that people start betting the other team. Smarter bookies operate in networks, knowing the other dogs in town (very very common with mafia and "connected" bookies). That way they can "lay off" the excess money that their customers have placed on 1 team or another to even out some of the action.

F. Mazola, Esq.