Now Lightbody owns land is connected, its interesting to see the outcome. I believe and know that wherever and whoever do the deal someone is getting a 'lope/card (envelope) and many cards will be given out coming from many places going many places. Example.... Wynn has to find land, whoever he chooses to deal with get a check. that check has owners, politicians for approving the situation, the real ownersb ecause its thier land, the front man, and etc. Now it has to be built. Unions will be paid, license givers will get paid, politicians will get paid, construction compainies will get paid and people brick makers and steel makers and copper makers and lumber jackers will get paid for their illegal makings and sellings to contracters and union companies. Look at the big cheese dinunzio. He try to buy 6 million in fake foam. for the locals, No wonder why the tunnels keep braking, leaking and chiping. Oh this is going to be just like the big dig. LMAOL. Over heard my pop and uncle talking on how during the big dig, one higher up was charging this man who owns a company 50 g just to be able to win a contract and then another 2500 a week to continue working in it so his company dont get replaces. And thats just one company. Never mind the sand and gravel company thats been currupt since mayor curley and Joe Kennedy and everyone else who manipulated and took advantage of the big dig and the same will happen with the casinos all over the state. Just money to be made. And watch when its up and running lmaol the skimming thats going to happen. Mark my words. We are in Boston the Massachussetts. LOL we are the most crooked state and city in the country and no state or city can compete. They cant get close if we stop being crooked for the next twenty years. Thats a fact. So when these crooked politicians and gaming commision gets a taste of the fazzols, the green coming in. Aww man the bartenders unions, and dealers unions and it goes on. Its going to be a fucking money riot. Why you think suffolk downs was such a big deal. Not because it has a lot of land and it ran horses. They make millions from the shit at suffolk downs and if they can't make the millions and more from the casino's . Then they dont want the casino in the state. ASK House Speaker Deleo and Dimasi. They said no the first propsal because the guys up stairs said no. Even the second time when the state approved and they did a re count, the whole eastie and revere said no. Not because of the traffic. The traffic is horrendous now we was born in traffic lol but because they cant make what they was making from suffolk downs. Remember what i said about dimasi and deleo. Go back and read that post it might enlighten you and help you connect the dots a little better. So again ask Deleo and Dimasi !!! Remeber I live with these guys. I just like to enlighten you guys and you know whats crazy, this is just the tip of the iceberg that im spilling. Really talking crumbs compared to the chips and dips thats going on.

Last edited by Joerusso; 03/17/15 05:34 PM.

raymond l.s.patrairca sr to u.s. state committee- " if i didnt have my case coming up ill to come back in here with two gentlemen and when this is over with and really lay down the law, yous guys been giving me nothing but alot of hookwhick and i wish i wasnt on trial and have this case and really tell the united states whats going on "
Jerry Anguilo on wartime with winter hill - " If we got to war we got Joe Russo and the maverick boys so we have nothing to worry about they can go to vietnam and come back untouched "