Originally Posted By: Faithful1
I agree with you. Wasn't making excuses for bad behavior, but stating the history and while the past can't be changed it can be forgotten.

At any rate, there's a story about Southern California Edison (the major electric company here) forcing out workers and replacing them with immigrants who will work for lower wages. Who has been in support of these policies that allowed this to happen? Democrat politicians, RINO Republicans like Jeb Bush, big businesses, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, etc. Who gets hurt? American workers. The same American worker who voted to put those politicians in office who support the policies that caused them to lose their jobs.

agree on both counts

Powerful interests, in this case big business, spend money to help shape public perception about things. They have talk show hosts who are magically able to convince American workers that certain policies will benefit them..and that "the evil liberals" or "the corporate conservatives" are the enemy. We fall for this shell game time and time and time again. And they LAUGH at US.

If I convince you that this Bogey man is the enemy...I don't have to actually do ANYTHING for you...I can just keep pointing out the Bogey man.If you don't have lobby fighting for your interest...I can keep you dancing on a string like a puppet.

I think that Obama used this tactic in the Ferguson case.Black people are not doing well under his presidency and some of the comments issued and actions taken by the admin. over Ferguson read like CLASSIC shell game. A grand distraction. And we fell for it.He counted on one "side" of the issue reacting the way they did to the administration's comments and actions...and right on cue...there is the Bogeyman that he uses to manipulate the other "side" of the issue.