Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Ivy, according to your post all you want to do is brutalize people, you really think that is going to solve anything. do you have to revert to terror in the streets?

You need to wake up and pull your head out of your ass. How many businesses were burned to the ground? Now two cops shot after all the information has come forth and we all know it was a good shooting. That's "terror in the streets." The governor is a weak liberal who has tied the hands of law enforcement in dealing with these lawless protesters and restoring law and order.

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Protesters are exercising their rights under the First Amendment. Just like they did in your state when the White young man,Dillon Taylor, was shot and killed.
Until the justice system and authorities sorts it out, people don't have a definitive answer about what happens in situations between police and citizens.

The problem is, many didn't do is peacefully and lawfully. And furthermore, they've continued to do it even after we all know the shooting of Brown was justified. It's one thing to complain and protest about a shooting that is proven to have been unjustified. But the results of the investigation weren't what these protesters wanted. They don't care about the facts. The facts are becoming less and less important to many in the black community whenever there is a an officer involved shooting of a black person. Too often now, the knee-jerk reaction is to immediately play the victim/race card and buy into the BS narrative guys like Sharpton, Holder, and Obama are selling. In all these recent shootings I have seen little to no acknowledgement from them that the criminal behavior of these guys is what led to their deaths.

Now about your "As "Blacks always do" view ,I think Mike Brown was the WRONG case to rally around or frame a serious discussion about police brutality around BUT in an(I think) totally unrelated case I read some of the same "thug who deserved to be put down" rhetoric on this board,not necessarily from you and it insulted my intelligence.
There are real street guys on this board, guys who have done time, people who are connected, and others who have read and studied about crime and criminals for years. No credible person on this board, even knowing what Trayvon's "sheet" was, would EVER consider him anything but a pussycat. I thought THIS site of all places on earth, would be the last place where I'd hear the word "thug" with TM's name.Killers who didn't rat are "stand up guys" but a little punk ass skinny kid is Triple OG menace to society ?? And he "deserved to be put down" for walking from point A to point B minding his business?
But like YOU said "people, like all too often, immediately....and start blaming....."

That's just it, not all of us are pansy liberals who run everything we think or say through a PC-filter. Granted, there are a lot of those types on this site but I'm not one of them. Treyvon Martin was hardly innocent or some martyr. He wanted to play tough guy and he attacked Zimmerman for no good reason. It would have been so easy to just turn around and say, "Hey, can I help you with something?" A quick 30 second conversation would have likely sent Zimmerman on this way. But Martin reverted to his thug mentality and went on the attack and got killed in the process. The irony of it all is, the black community complained afterward about young black guys in hoodies being stereotyped. Nevermind the fact that Trevon's behavior was a classic example of what has led to that stereotype! But did we see any recognition or acknowledgement of this from them? Or from Obama? Nope. Apparently, that would be asking too much.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.