Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
Since Carmine Persico is 81 and could die at any moment.

Do you know if he is in bad health?

What I find amazing is that the commission didn't just remove Persico by force, just like they did with Scarfo. I am 1000% positive that Scarfo would have preferred to remain boss just like Carmine did and as well as Vic.
Maybe the reason is because they KNEW that Scarfo had no support on the street and NO ONE was prepared to remain loyal and start a war.

The reasons because Persico wasn't remove is that was a NY boss,out the big apple the Commission made and removed all te bosses it want,no so in the city.

Fort he next family boss,the Colombos needs a young boss that stay on the streets and not in a cell;
IMO if Persico live until 2020 I bet on Joel Cacace,that has always carried out the orders of Persico without asking nothing (Aronwald murder is one example) but also the murder of Ralph Dols and the fact that don't flipped after Dino Calabro and the other killer ratted, otherwise I bet on Teddy Jr. that when will comes out will be 56 years old and very young by the standards of colombo.