
I enjoyed your post..I won't quote it(no kindle), just a comment on them by number

1.agree....and I in countries where whites are not the majority, race might be a subject that they have to think about in ways that they don't in places where they are the majority.

2.Excellent post.

Speaking for myself as part of the African diaspora...I feel natural kinship with other Blacks who are from this hemisphere, we were just dropped off in different colonies.That's why ,though my family is not from here...You might read me write about something Black people did here in the 1800s and I will use the word "we".Others from Caribbean backgrounds distinctly distinguish themselves from Blacks from here, but that's not my take on it. Brazil,Jamaica,etc..It's all mine.Same root, different branches.

3. disagree. Though the experiences don't compare, all groups suffered abuse and discrimination. Pizza has brought up the relative ease that Irish immigrants had in assimilating here compared to Italians (language,etc)He didn't write that as an excuse but as an observation. So he's not implying that Blacks haven't suffered abuse and discrimination..think he was questioning why people aren't moving forward and it's a legitimate question.I mean if you fell off a moving boat....whether you could swim or not...you'd try to make it to shore. survival instincts would kick in. It defies nature to NOT try to swim to the shore.

4. Yeah, Even Isis doesn't have women and children in the audience while they kill people.Southern trees bear strange fruit.
And none of that imagery is or should be about "white guilt" but just part of American history. Definitely relevant to this thread because that was all happening in America to CITIZENS. Would surely explain the fear and mistrust of law enforcement that has existed for generations among Black folks...both prosperous and poor..