"You're right, BF. But let me play Devil's Advocate here. How come it seems that when Black people express pride in their background, it's considered noble? Yet if White people do it, they're often assumed to be racists"

PB, We come to an understanding since past dialogue so I'm on board.
Through a mountain of obstacles and sacrifices is why there is considerate pride on the black side. Now as for whites it's the supremacist groups that ruined the feeling through misguided ideology. Every time they speak of "their" white pride, every other non whites is beneath their feet. It seems that white pride is more express respectfully through ethnic ties ( You & other posters Italian roots, Germans, Irishs, Polish, Scottish, Russians,etc.) or through American pride.

"I mean, can you imagine the uproar in the liberal media if there was a White History Month? And I'm not looking to rabble-rouse here. I hope you know me better than that. But there's a clear double standard in this country when it comes to expressing your roots (or as you aptly put it, tribalism). "

Speaking for myself I wouldn't mind and we shouldn't give a damn what the media says. By now we should have a Cultural History Month so everybody can celebrate their roots. As everybody knows Black History was originally a week then others expanded the festival into a month. Double standards is here just like being a victim of rape by a beautiful model/actress smile. The tribalism I pointing out is the continuing stereotypes/discrimination/conflicts of your people, mine, them, there's , etc.

"How long do Black folks hang onto that as a crutch, and use it as an excuse to not assimilate? Because you know as well as I do that some Black people don't want to climb the social ladder. "

First, Define assimilation by your view. Second , We're talking about a society (not all) that made certainty that Blacks wouldn't be within the mainstream social ladder from the get go. So when assimilation is brought up here & there in different topics it makes wonder Is it mandatory or optional? I just am not quite sure honestly at times. People say blacks have this opportunity to climb this ladder and it happens then others say we're not taking advantage because of ABC/XYZ or another case of LEGIT discrimination rears up. It's like their a tug of war of accept/discourage/ignore.

Indeed a vicious cycle and you have to as they say "walk in another shoes" to understand that catch 22. Often it's true and other times their just raised in a box.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb