Originally Posted By: azguy
Originally Posted By: blacksheep
I don't have in depth knowledge of the new england mob, but people I know there who bump into those types due to work tell me the mob there is underestimated.

I've been telling that to these guys for years, they are no NY, but they are not Philly either. There are twice as many made guys as people think and a huge stable associate. It's not just the North End and Federal Hill but ALL the suburbs around the north and south shores.

Old man Mannochio was at the helm for 12 years without so much as disturbed cup of coffee, his mission was rebuilding the next generation.

My cousin lived next door to a made guy and was invited to a few parties and events and like I've stated many times there are ay more made guys than want are quoted in reports and papers...

I think new england is gonna be ok partially due to the rampant corruption in that region. The things I've heard about cops and politicians up there make NY look like the symbol of honesty and integrity

Make that coffee to go