Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: blacksheep
I don't think people hate him. He just gets made fun of for that whole 'there's a 500k bounty on me so I gotta creep around in my awesome shades' nonsense.
Plus I personally don't think he could have went so deep in a family like that for so long without crossing lines he says he didn't cross. But that's just a hunch.

I think you are absolutely right, he would never admit crossing lines though. but, to get next to a captain [sonny black] he had to have gained his confidence some shady way.

and I have always said that he picked the right family to infiltrate, he could never have gone that deep in any other family except the bonannos.

he Is a effective FBI agent, but not very truthful as a man.

I think that was the reason for the 3rd book, Unfinished Business. He dishes more dirt on himself than he did in Donnnie Brasco, which had come out years earlier. I figured enough time had passed and no cases would be jeopardized. Make no mistake about it, you don't get into the good graces of guys Like Anthony Mirra or Lefty without being a head-breaker.