Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
"Following that conversation around last Christmas, Stango instructed the undercover FBI agent to hire a pair of outlaw bikers and pay them 25 thousand dollars each to throw grenades into his intended victim’s place of business."

LOL. You have to be kidding me.


And yet the Jersey fanboys (no one from this site) are getting all excited about some kind of renaissance. Well, if this is the future, you can have it. If they get too big, the Feds will chop them right back down to size, especially if there are threats of violence (and, of course, actual violence).

New York has been able to keep the status quo because of the non-violent approach they've been taking. You'd think these idiots would follow suit. Grenades? Really? Morons. But I have a feeling the Feds might have an undercover in New York right now anyway. Things have been too quiet for too long.

A renaissance... anyone can sell coke and plan to open a prostitution ring (that never even opened.) Like you've mentioned before, they aren't in the unions anymore (not these idiots anyway) and selling coke is risky business. They also didn't take many precautions. You've jumped the shark when you ask a Fed to hire Hells Angels to throw grenades into a public place. Seriously, worst idea imaginable.