Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
There is no doubt that some, perhaps more than some, in Congress don't want to give Obama what he wants because, consciously or not, they don't want a black man to succeed. But racism alone doesn't explain Obama's failures. And, remember that, despite pervasive racism in America, Obama was twice elected president by a largely white electorate, running against white candidates.

I couldn't possibly agree more with that assessment. Obama could not have won a single election without the White vote, let alone two. Now I agree that his Presidency has awakened some latent racism in A LOT of White people. Some of them probably didn't even know they were racists until they had a Black President. But the man has been a complete and abject failure, on everything from the way he communicates to the masses to foreign policy. And he can't possibly blame that on racism (although his spin doctors and media puppets certainly try their best to present it that way). [/quote]

Another good post

Kind of a scary thought, we say we've come along way but have we? [/quote]
Yes, we've come a long way. I think it was Don Imus who said that we haven't advanced at all since Selma. This was around 2006. And that was about the most ridiculous fucking thing I've ever heard. And I always liked Imus. But Selma? Are people still burning crosses? Are Black folks still getting lynched? Give me a break, Don. [/quote]

Something to be said for that.

I must be too young and idealistic, but having a problem with a man for the color of his skin rather that his policy is kind of sad. No doubt people don't like Obama because of his race but kind of scary to think that you dislike his policy because subconsciously you are racist.

But I have to say at this point the media (left) and race hustlers push the race card too much

The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.
Walter Sobchak: You mean... beyond pacifism?

Walter Sobchak: This guy f*cking walks. I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life