Originally Posted By: getthesenets

7 years into an 8 year presidency? I think not. There was such an outpouring of open racial hatred against Obama that his (legit)critics didn't want to be associated with that. Those who criticize his policies smartly distance themselves from THAT crowd so that their points are taken seriously. Initially I thought some of the public overtly racist rhetoric was planted by the dnc to give Obama political cover on certain issues. I figured that even if people thought some of this stuff, none would be fool enough to publicly use slurs,etc about the president.Then you had unapologetic racists like police commissioner Robert Copeland of New Hampshire who put a public face to some of this kind of hatred.
There are checks and balances in place for our government so the idea of a president being able to disregard the constitution and force his agenda on Americans sounds like talk show rhetoric.

To many on the Left any criticism of Obama is racist. That in itself is racist since it's saying that he's too weak to take criticism on account of his blackness. The fact is that all presidents get criticized. George W. Bush was hung in effigy, there were movies made in which he was killed, he was attacked in every possible way. He was unfairly blamed for Hurricane Katrina when it was the mayor of New Orleans and governor of Louisiana who failed to take appropriate measures in the wake of the storm, yet idiots like Kanye West attacked him as hating black people because that's what they saw on TV. If Bush hated black people he wouldn't have been the president who has done more for Africans than any other: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2013/07/they-miss-bush-in-africa.php. Bush's 2007 State of the Nation address was one of the best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCDDzFJQO9M

In the case of President Obama, even the more extreme criticisms aren't racist.

1. The claim that he was born in Kenya. Obama dithered when it came to releasing his birth records which gave rise to this claim. He should have released everything immediately. He still refuses to release his college records, but that's another story. Moreover, even one of his own aunts is on record stating that he was born in Kenya. Is she racist? As someone who does genealogical research I believe there is sufficient evidence to conclude that he was born in Hawaii, but because others disagree doesn't make it racist. John McCain was challenged on his place of birth, as was Mitt Romney. It's a legitimate question for anyone who aims to be President.

2. The claim that he's Muslim. I don't believe he's Muslim. He said he's a Christian, but he's theology is probably more of the Black Liberation Theology that his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, preached. Yet as a child he attended Muslim schools in Indonesia and he was listed as a Muslim. He also refuses to call Islamic terrorism "Islamic" or Muslim. He also has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to meet with him in the White House multiple times. All together it is not difficult to see how people would believe he is really a Muslim.

3. The claim that he's unpatriotic. Obama himself when he ran for President called Bush "unpatriotic," so it's a double-standard to say people are racist for calling him that. That would make Obama racist for saying that about Bush. When Giuliani said that Obama hates America, it's based on Obama saying that he wants to fundamentally transform America. I don't think that Obama hates America and Obama has been ambivalent on what he meant when he said it. Some people think that means transforming it into a socialistic country. Again, if Obama would define and explain what he means and not pretend that he never said these things there wouldn't be all this room for multiple interpretations.

4. Thanks to you gets, I became aware of what this police chief said. He used the N-word for Obama and refused to apologize for it. Yes, that's racist and he shouldn't have said it. Most people don't think that way and it's wrong for the Left to turn that into representing the way all white people feel. He represents himself. In today's world this sort of language is marginalized. This is an example of real racism that's different for the false forms above.