Originally Posted By: Turnbull
So far, most of this discussion has focused on comments on Israel and Jews. The reality is that Iran is a threat to the entire Middle East, and ultimately to the world:

The Middle Eastern nations fear Iran far more than Israel. If Iran gets nuclear weapons, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are sure to follow, turning the world's most volatile and dangerous region into a nuclear-armed camp. Can you imagine what would happen if ISIS and/or Al Queida, and/or the Muslim Brotherhood were to overthrow a nuclear-armed regime, or capture its weapons?

Iran already has missiles that can hit all of the Middle East, a good part of Africa, and all of Southern Europe. The next generation of Iranian missiles could hit the US mainland.

The US position as recently as 2010 was to demand that Iran dismantle its uranium enrichment infrastructure in return for lifting sanctions. Since then, Iran has vastly increased the number of centrifuges for uranium enrichmenbt. Now the Obama administration has backed off--willing to cede to Iran unranium-enrichment capabilities as long as Iran "promises" not to upgrade them to weapons-grade uranium--with a "sunset" after 10 years. Iran has steadfastly refused to accept UN inspectors, and when it has, to correct violations of previous agreements.

Obama has refused to release details of the current negotiations with Iran, and has said he will decree a settlement by executive order, bypassing Congress. All this for Iran--the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism. Netanyahu isn't the only one who should be concerned about the US position on Iran--all of us should be.

Iran getting nuclear weapons and capacity is inevitable.I think what Obama with the other world leaders who are engaging in discussion with Iran are doing is part of a broader effort. I think you neutralize Iran by building bridges with the U.S. and the other P5 countries( and of course, weapons industry lobbies in said countries support the effort and stand to benefit.)

Listen, we all live here and are potential targets for hostile governments or terrorists groups so I agree that the administration should make efforts to protect security, but I'm not convinced that disengaging with Iran over this issue does that.

I don't think this is appeasement like Chamberlain and Hitler...which I've heard a few times. You're dealing with a very volatile area of the world and the chest beating tough guy stance doesn't work in every situation. By keeping a dialogue open with Iran, you are potentially weakening the recruiting/selling points that the war mongerers and terrorists are using to manipulate people to follow them.