thanks. I think people should speak the truth as they see it.The people whose opinions I respect aren't always the ones I agree with it. It's the people who, say ,will speak their version of the truth about another group and who won't shy away from possibly negative issues about THEIR group. There's no shortage of people who have opinions about others but, I've noticed, on subjects that are sensitive to their group(s)..some are conspicuously absent from discussions.Cowards. I think those who disagree with me about this or other topics will note that I don't run from topics that might paint one of the groups I identify as in a bad light.
My favorite Seinfeld episode and clip(which I post here sometimes) is where Jerry is making anti-dentite jokes...and his date laughs and says "yeah, and don't let me get started about the Jews and the Blacks"


thanks..I happen to think that the terms anti-Israel pro-Israel, anti Palestinian, pro-Palestinian do NOT apply in general to outsiders who just have an opinion. Those terms apply to people who have blood ties, political, financial, or religious ties to the conflict. We've heard those terms thrown around on political shows , so we repeat them but it's an oversimplification to think of regular people like that.
Having a personal opinion about an issue, a policy, or a current leader doesn't make one pro or anti (insert nationality). Thanks for the support.


thanks, I have to go back and look over my posts but I think you might be confusing me with another member. I'm not concerned enough about Palestinians or the conflict to write about how "Israelis treat Palestinians" unless I was making some type of comparison. When people are living that close to each other and killing each other I have enough respect to understand how serious it is.and that I can't possibly know enough to make an informed comment.