Originally Posted By: getthesenets
@F1, Turn, everybody

If I personally offended ANYBODY with my words or my views I have to apologize. People write their views on this forum and outside of slurs or obvious trolling I don't have a problem with anything I've ever read on this forum about Blacks or "the Blacks". It's America and people are entitled to have their opinions. If anything,I welcome some of the comments as an opportunity to educate or inform people about topics that they may not know about. I welcome anybody to correct or educate me about topics that I am off base or misinformed about.

I doubt anyone here thinks you are anti-Semetic. At least I don't think so. Now, anti-Israel? Perhaps.

You talk about wanting to have an "honest discussion" about Israel but, from what I've read of your posts, that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Your knee-jerk reaction is to call Netanyahu "arrogant," even though - if you read or watch it - there was absolutely nothing arrogant in his speech. In fact, he went overboard in an effort to be conciliatory and complimentary to the U.S., including Obama and the Democrats.

Also, in the past your main focus seems to have been how "Israel treats the Palestinians," as if there is some moral equivalence between the two. Only someone who is willfully blind or has an agenda would fail to see that, generally speaking, Israel has been the good party while the Palestinians (who have allowed themselves to be exploited and brainwashed by Arafat, Hamas, etc) have been the bad ones. And you can extend that out to the other Muslim countries that surround Israel. Look at how disfuncional they are. If they aren't kept under thumb by a strongman tyrant, it doesn't seem long before the radical Islamists take over, which we have seen in several countries now. Yet, for one reason or another, liberals (which you have to admit you are) love to kick Israel while ignoring the vastly greater issue of the basket-case Muslim world which is an ever-present danger to Israel, the U.S. and the rest of the West.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.