@gets - I'm not offended by what you wrote and I don't think you have anything to apologize for. I get offended when people aren't civil and throw out insults. You haven't done that. You've been very civil in all of your posts. Wish more people could engage in these healthy and friendly debates and discussions the way you have. Like they say, I may not agree with everything you say, but I'll defend your right to say it. Trolls and jerks, on the other hand, that's a different story.

Personally, I think there might be some things you can educate us on, especially with your Haitian background. Americans only see Haiti as a dirt-poor and corrupt country, but I've read up on its history about how it got that way and I think a lot of people would be surprised.

On the Sanchez-Stewart situation, I didn't write that what he said on Stewart wasn't connected to his firing, but rather that it was the final straw in a series of things he said. I also think he forgot that his protector was Jewish, which put the lie to some of what he said.

Are Jews an oppressed minority? In the USA they are a religious minority and there is a lot of prejudice against them. Not enough prejudice that it prevents them from getting jobs, but enough that people call them insulting names, tell false stories about them, and sometimes vandalize their homes and places of worship. The 1986 Crown Heights Riot was an example of persecution. If that qualifies as oppression or not, I'll let you decide.

On Alice Walker, kind of surprised since so many academics and students these days are anti-Israel. But don't forget that Condoleeza Rice was disinvited from Rutgers University and Ayaan Hirsi Ali from Brandeis: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/education/po...concerns-n90141

Last edited by Faithful1; 03/06/15 11:14 AM.