Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Former CNN anchor Rick Sanchez is now a commentator on Fox News Latino and Fox News, as well as Mundo Fox, and also has an a-m radio program in South Florida. I guess those are media that aren't controlled by "the Jews."

nuff said

and what Sanchez said, regarding a personal feud with Jon Stewart, was

Rick Sanchez: I don't think it's a conscious thing. I just think it's important that people who are not minorities understand that those of us who are – and very few of us will say the things that I just said – are actually more complex than they think we are.

Pete Dominick: [Jon] Stewart's a minority as much as you are. He's Jewish.

Sanchez: Yeah. Yeah. Very powerless people. Please. What are you, kidding?

Dominick: You're telling me that....

Sanchez: I'm telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart. And to imply that somehow they – the people in this country who are Jewish – are an oppressed minority? Yeah.

The interview was on Sept. 30....Sanchez was fired on Oct. 1

Last edited by getthesenets; 03/06/15 04:45 AM.