Sanchez made one stupid comment after another and eventually he was let go for it. The Jon Stewart thing was just the last example of him putting both feet in his mouth. In fact he had a "protector" at CNN named Jonathan Klein (a Jew) who was let go a week before Sanchez was. Stewart didn't think what Sanchez said was a big deal and said he shouldn't have been fired for it, but like I said, Sanchez was a liability because he couldn't control his mouth.

Anyway, he went on an apology tour to rehabilitate his name and went on to work for Fox Latino and got a radio show in Florida, so he's not doing so bad. All was forgiven, he learned from his mistakes, and one of his best amigos is Abraham Foxman, the head of the ADL, so his repercussions turned out pretty well for him.

A final note, Jonathan Klein was the president of CNN, but his boss was a non-Jew named Jim Walton who was president of CNN Worldwide. It was Walton who put both Klein and Sanchez out, so that kind of puts the lie to the Jewish-controlled media conspiracy.

The reason for the firings came down to ratings. Klein put on one liberal/left-wing host after another while Walton wanted it to be middle-of-the-road and non-partisan, sort in-between Fox and MSNBC. Klein even canceled a long-time staple of CNN, Firing Line. Klein, and Sanchez, both overstayed their welcome.