Originally Posted By: Extortion
Originally Posted By: night_timer
Originally Posted By: fergie
Guys, I just remembered, I know we're talking about mafia gangsters, but beheadings by the crazy arab folks must ace anything Murder Inc etc did - I can't imagine Anastasia cutting a live guy's head off in front of his crew? I might be wrong...

Tommy Pitera beheaded bodies, but only after they were dead. He was into dismemberment as much as the DeMeo crew.

Scariest guys were Pitera, DeMeo, Mirra and Dellacroce. There was some sick fucks in Chicago too, but I'm hopeless with names.

Why Dellacroce? Because he "looked" scary according to Ralph Salerno?

Galante was supposed to be very mean, I'm not sure how much mean translates over to scary but depends on how you define scary I suppose. Does that include fear/being feared? Certainly all those men were feared.

Neil according to Gotti was a "man's man, he would tell a motherfuker to his face he was a motherfuker"

If Gotti says Neil was fearless then that is good enough for me. Considering Gotti bashes everyone