Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
did the speech by israli prime minister netanyhu undermine U.S. foreign policy? isn't it out of line for a world leader to attack U.S. foreign policy in front of the U.S. congress,

regardless what one thinks of the U.S. president, since when is it protocol to attack a sitting president and his secretary of state,

as much as the U.S.has done for the country of Israel wasn't this a slap in the face to all americans. you don't have to like Obama [I don't] to sense an underhanded move by the prime minister just because he didn't get his way.

does anyone agree with my assessement of this speech?

No, don't agree at all. Netenyahu and Israel are fighting for their very lives. If you listened to the speech and the content of what he said it should be obvious. Iran has and still does threatened to destroy Israel and all Jews. That's a fact. Iran has also been one of the world's largest sponsors of terrorism since 1979. Netenhayu as a right to make a case against a bad deal with Iran that could lead to it not only manufacturing nuclear weapons, but using them. He's also correct that Iran should be required to change its behavior BEFORE there's any deal. Finally, Israel is such a small country that one nuke could totally destroy it, whereas the U.S. and Iran could both survive nuclear attacks since they're so large. If I were in charge of Israel or any other threatened nation I would do everything I could for the survival of my people.

Forgot to mention that he thanked Obama and Kerry and spoke respectfully of both of them. He did not attack them even once.