Originally Posted By: BloodlettersandBadmen
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Did you purposely use images of JB Indelicato when talking about Sonny Red at certain points during the video?

Which image is of JB?

The Guiseppe (sp) Bono wedding photo's. You used that photo in a couple of different places. Once as a close up, and then you showed the entire photo later on in the segment and a few times more. It's no big deal and it doesn't take away from anything else you said in the video, but I'm just pointing it out. The photo with Big Trin, Phillip Giaccone , Frank Lino & Bruno Indelicato, it's not Sonny Red. It's his brother JB Indelicato, Bruno's uncle. Sonny Red wasn't at that wedding, he didn't attend social gatherings like weddings and anniversary parties, and things like that. He had a parole guideline that lasted for at least a decade (`0 yrs?) with him, I think. He wasn't allowed to be seen with CN associates and made guys. You know the typical parole guideline they give those guys when they get out of prison, that they aren't allowed to be spotted with other criminals. Sonny Red was known for avoiding being in the same place at the same time with multiple CN members, solely because of his parole and not wanting to violate it and go back to jail.