1. "Eric. B beat down Large Professor and ran Kool G. Rap out of New York to Arizona after 'G. Rap revealed Large Pro produced most of the beats Eric B was supposed to have done on the Eric B. & Rakim albums and "wanted dead or alive""

2. "All of the DJ work on Paid In Full that was NOT done by Marley Marl was done by Rakim, not Eric B.

If I remember right didn't Rakim and Large Professor do the Don't Sweat the Technique album? With little or no input from Eric B.
Eric B didn't do a damn thing for the Eric B & Rakim albums. **** A Right!

This one has been making the rounds for years, and with good reason: It's totally true. "But wait," you say. "What about all those credits on the albums that say 'Produced by Eric B & Rakim?'" Ah, you're a sweet kid, but don't be so **** naive. The discrepancy between who got credit for what on an album versus who actually did what is huge. It was even bigger in the '80s, because hip-hop wasn't big business then. So let's break this down. First of all, Eric's classic vanity cut in which Rakim nominated him for president? Marley Marl did those scratches. And most of the rest of the scratches performed on Eric B & Rakim albums were performed by none other than the God himself, Rakim. So Eric B wasn't the scratcher. But surely he made beats, right? Not so fast. Rakim did most of the production work, plus, as your ears may have already informed you, he got massive (and uncredited) assists from 45 King (Follow the Leader) and Large Professor and the late great Paul C (Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em). So he didn't do cuts, he didn't do beats, what did he do? Well, he was indisputably the tour/performance DJ. But mostly, he was a guy with a lot of street cred and a lot of money for studio time. Artistically, his input was nil. Check his solo album if you don't believe us."