Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: mulberry
MY guess is he kept the violence down not because he was gentle, but because he didn't want too much heat form law enforcement. Dropping bodies is the best way to end up in prison. The NY families learned that 30 years later.

Of course. I agree with this a million percent. I always say this, but everything is relative to the era that you were active in. Bruno probably ordered more murders than most of the sitting bosses today.

Dam right he did ,not only that he had a very good working relationship with a few bosses in NY not like today (a real working relationship)
Everybody says he was the gentle Don you bet he loved that shit ,he was connected to murders in all the states . The working relationship he had with Gambino is out there but he was tight with Profaci/Colombo family to the point of being involved it many killings and one of the "high profile" ones to boot.
Then there was the other family's north and west he was tight with.
Then they say he was generous ,he was in the early days(and a great business mind) but as soon as he became boss things changed .
The fact that he did not make guys kick up to him only at X-mas is true but he got "his" all at once or he got it when they came to him to start the racket.
This guy was just as treacherous and ruthless as the rest of them don't let anyone tell you different.

The other thing that I have always herd even as a young man is that Nick Scarfo was banished to A.C. never herd that from anyone that did not hear it from the NEWS .
Bruno was around often Georgia ave at Nicks house every summer for as long as I can remember.He kept Nick close ,You all know that him and Testa only got along for a short time(siggy thing) and Nick was Bruno's guy and ear to the street.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."