Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Pizza, folk like Casso make me think that certain people should be locked up before they kill.

Unfortunately, the more liberal states here in America don't go in for that kind of thing. But I couldn't agree more lol.

All kidding aside, great post all the way around smile.

Sincere thanks for the Kudos, and I'm relieved you didn't take the post the wrong way....there are some very sensitive people around here.

I'm not an ogre, Alfa. And I sincerely apologize if I ever came across that way. This past year has been rough. My Dad's 85 and having a rough go of it lately, just suffered another setback, and eldercare is just about the most stressful thing for an impatient, middle-aged guy, who's used to being in charge, to have to endure. I honestly like to think I'm a pretty nice guy.

Sorry for going off topic. Back in NY with Dad for tests, heading back to Florida over the weekend, and can't sleep a wink.

So back on point: I've never seen Casso face-to-face. I'm a Bronx guy and he has almost twenty years on me. And who the fuck am I anyway but a mope who grew up around a bunch of guys like the ones discussed on this board? But I do remember a couple of his Bronx victims, hence my intense dislike for the man.

And you're right. That "60 Minutes" interview reminded me of a poorly acted episode of "Criminal Minds," which means it wasn't an act at all. Your theory about the proactive and preemptive jailing of reprobates and sociopaths like Casso has a lot of merit. It will never happen. But it works for me.

It's like these kids who are caught torturing animals at 15 years old. They're diagnosed as sociopaths and their parents are told that there's no cure for the sociopath. And what happens?

I'm not sure if a study has ever been done, but I'd be willing to bet that more than half of them end up incarcerated as violent felons. And the ones who don't just didn't get caught.

Now before anyone reminds me that I'm half crazy myself, I just want to point out that I honestly believe that there are more "good" people in this world than "bad." But in the extreme cases of that "bad" minority, getting proactive would save lives.

It's like the old and tired debate about killing Baby Hitler if you could go back in time. I'd smother the little bastard to Bruckner's Seventh Symphony (hey, I'm a history buff who appreciates irony).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.