Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: PhillyMob
That's why I think it's so funny that neither joe or his son talk about Galante in their books. They act like the man didn't exist to the outside world. They don't talk about him because it was all about the drugs and joe Bonanno acts like he had no part in that.

you are absolutely right. I have read all of the bonanno books, and I can't recall one line on carmine galente, and I have read them all.

You are both wrong. Galante is mentioned several times in Bill´s last book. I believe he is mentioned in "Bound by honor" too. Joe Bonanno talks about Galante in the 60 minutes interview.

Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Why did the Bonanno family have so few capos? The Gambinos and Genovese always had about 20. The Profacis had about 10. Even the Magaddinos had at least 8 but probably more like 12-15.

On the hearing charts there's one or two capos only. Not to mention we can't really name but three or four from the Bonanno era.

The FBI didn´t develop a reliable informant within the Bonanno camp until much later. The Bonanno chart at the hearings is a joke. The Bonannos had around 15 captains in the early 1960s.

15 capos.Thats a lot of soldiers..What do you think size wise,where would they land?Did they have more soldiers than the Lucchese's and the Colombo's?
Or there is no way we can know that for sure...