Pizzaboy's opinions are always so extreme one way or the other. Kind of intimidating. While I agree ISIS are a bunch of sick son of a f*cks (out for themselves) I still think spending a significant amount of funds overseas is not economically beneficial, unless the top 5 percent of the money makers 250,000K and above per year start paying A LOT more taxes. I still think stay away from the middle east and let them burn themselves out. More high tech security in the United States: satellites, CIA agents whatever technologies they have these days. More hightech security at the border states/airports. I still think Pakistan/Aghanistan are still pretty extreme in their Islamic Views and may still fund some terroristic activity, not ALL Pakistani's and Afghani's individually but I'm sure they are some pretty extreme groups within those countries... Jordan / Lebanon are a bit more liberal don't really imagine there being a strong terrorist organizations in those countries although I don't really follow this stuff. The US doesn't stand a chance against Saudi Arabia and all their oil money and unless I'm wrong they are ally's anyhow, so why f*ck with an ally?? ISIS should be kept from entering the United States. Hopefully other Islamic states protect themselves, but what is the west going to do??? Pay to send a bunch of troops overseas and have them blow themselves up to me sounds violent and self destructive. who knows maybe the United States will get lucky and the ISIS members will piss of the Saudi's enough and they can fund the elimination of this terrorist group. Anyway's what did you all eat for dinner??