I'm from Liverpool so I like to think I can speak a bit of truth about it. For Curtis Warren see Joey Merlino: he'll never be left alone. Once he gets released again they'll give him 10 years for dropping litter. He got off a case in the 90's, and I can't think of the specifics as I haven't got time to look it up. But basically I think a shipment of drugs
was confiscated and they thought (knew, probably) that he did it. He got off with it in court and said something like "I'm off to spend the other £90 million you didn't get and there's fuck all you can do about it."

He's a smart guy. Well, maybe not that smart as he's been locked up for a lot of his life. But I believe he was stitched up on the last thing. £1m worth of weed into Jersey? With a bunch of two-bit gangsters who he hardly knew? I'm not buying it. But that's the thing, the police illegally bugged his car and nothing came of it. The judge didn't care. He'll get out again and be inside within 6 months no matter what.

People are stupid here when it comes to guns. A kid, 17, was shot dead a couple of weeks ago. I don't know why or what for, it could have been anything. But in the past 7 or 8 years about 30 people have been shot dead. I'd wager a lot of those would have been over stupid shit. A lot of young people my age (I'm 22).

I know a lot of people say this about their city but it's a great place. Brilliant architecture, restaurants, museums, natural beauty. Most people here are decent, caring, hard-working people with a wicked sense of humour. But the lunatics running around with guns get the headlines.