My gut feeling tells me that up until Galante's death, Galante had been planning with Bonanno in Arizona, to make a power grab......It was obvious that these 2 were extremely close AND, events just seem to prove this to be true.

Here is why I believe this:

Bonanno agreed to retire to Arizona in 1968 and, it seems like that was the plan until, 1976, when Gambino died ....In 1977 he got clipped for trying to buy up big car dealerships so he could launder mob money.....What mob money?....Isn't he retired?
I also believe that Bonanno knew a return to power was impossible with Gambino at the throne which is why Bonanno did nothing from 1968-1976...,He would have been killed by Gambino if they saw any movement from him......At least until 1977.

Enter Lilo: Galante is released in 1974, and seems to making huge leaps and bounds in wrestling control of it all. He was making buckets of money, which is what led Bonanno to try and immediately overpay for those dealerships BUT, once Galante was stopped in his tracks, Bonanno knew at that moment in 1979, his mafia life was officially over.....If the commission sent word to Bonanno in Arizona for his blessing to take out Galante, Bonanno HAD to know at that instant that his career was OFFICIALLY over.... And supposedly when they asked for his blessing, they told him to not get any bright ideas about returning to NY.

That is why he started to write his Man of Honor book and do the 60 minutes interview in 1983. It probably takes about 3 years to write and publish a book and it just seems like all the events line up to prove this was the plan.

Obviously we will never know the full truth but how else do you explain all the timing of the factual events?