pmac and funk, I know that Scarpa's status as a captain or soldier doesn't really have much bearing in discussing the origins of a conflict such as the 3rd Colombo war, but it is an interesting question and maybe it might provide a clue.

According to "Deal" by Lance, Scarpa answered to Anthony Scarpati aka "Scappy" or "Scrappy".

That same book alleges that Scarpa used Scappy as a front boss (Captain).

The book quotes the Orena brothers (sons of Little Vic) as claiming that Scarpa would abuse Scarpati on a regular basis. That is the only circumstantial proof given that Greg Scarpa Sr just had to be the real Capo. And it's given by two biased interviewees who are the sons of the mobster the book is written in support of, two interviewees that are out to blame Scarpa for everything and exonerate their dad. But when the book mentions that Scarpa was informing on Scappy, it contradicts itself.

Why would a boss inform on his front boss?

That doesn't make much sense to me.

The one thing that is confirmed is that Scarpa was ratting out Scarpati. For sure. How was that productive from Scarpa's standpoint as "the real Capo"? I don't understand it. Help me out there somebody.

The book never mentions that Anthony Scarpati once functioned as an acting Boss, not acting Capo, but acting Boss, of the Colombos. Scarpa was never an acting Boss of the Colombo family.

If Anthony Scarpati was just a figurehead of Scarpa, then when he was serving as acting Boss, Scarpa was really running the family. I find that hard to believe.

The possible members of the Wimpy Boys Crew were...

Carmine Sessa
Robert Zambardi aka Bobby Zam
Dominic Cataldo
Joseph Figueroa
Gus Farace
Greg Scarpa Jr.
John Saponaro
Joseph Saponaro
Dominic Somma
Joey Ambrosino
Mario Parlagreco
Billy Meli
Kevin Granato
Nicky DeCarlo
Cosmo Catanzana

If Scarpa Sr. was truly a Capo, officially, then maybe most of those crew members should be made men, yes?

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."