Gravano have the Graves' disease that is an autoimmune disease. It most commonly affects the thyroid, frequently causing it to enlarge to twice its size or more (goitre), become overactive, with related hyperthyroid symptoms such as increased heartbeat, muscle weakness, disturbed sleep, and irritability. It can also affect the eyes, causing bulging eyes (exophthalmos). It affects other systems of the body, including the skin, heart, circulation and nervous system;while ALS is a terrible disease that leaves no way.

However I think that if he don't die before Gravano will be released in 2019 at 74 years, and I think he can go where he want, but must be careful that any asshole doesn't try to kill him to boast of having killed the king of the rats or a wannabe in NY whack him for became a gambinos associate or to be made.