Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
The 3-man panel itself may be a fabrication. Joey Merlino is still running things. He still has his guys in place, and Narducci is not on any sort of ruling panel. A recent article from Scott Burnstein, and his sources say they simply placated Narducci by letting him do his own thing. He's basically cut off, according to the report. He plays no role in Philly LCN politics or the family itself. When he came home from prison, and they called him in, he basically told them to "fuck off" and never went to see anybody that mattered. They're letting him do his own thing, without any interference, and he gives some of what he earns to Stevie Mazzone, sources claim that he does this, knowingly with the mindset of "whatever Stevie does with the money is on him", because Narducci still doesn't respect or acknowledge Joey Merlino, again according to sources. So instead of starting a war, they seem to be letting Narducci live and run his own operation. Chickie Ciangalini is underboss in name only, and supposedly defers daily activities to his son, and is only used as an arbitrator, he's only there for advice. Feds are supposedly hoping they'll be able to pin an indictment on Merlino before he gets out in May. They're hellbent on Merlino spending the rest of his life in prison.

Honestly, it sounds like Merlino is hellbent on spending the rest of his life in prison too, the way he parades around.