He's in PC, phillyloves. He's there with other AB turncoats and other EME turncoats. I read in his book that he had frequent meetings with active EME members that considered flipping, however I'm not so sure of that. You never know, though.

Rene's an interesting character by all appearances. As a few people have already mentioned, the entire upper echelon of both Mexican Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood is filled with drug addicts. You guys have to understand that these guys aren't your average mafiosis. They're kids who grew up in gang neighborhoods and got into the fast lifestyle(that's even more brutal than the Mafia's) very young. Rene himself mentioned he started using crack cocaine, I believe it was, when he was 13-14 years old. Others are much like him.

In his book, it's also written that Rene suffered several break downs while in PC, he just couldn't give it up that easily.

As for the rape thing... Are you guys seriously that surprised about it? It's prison. Rape is a common thing there(at least in California I believe, from all the things I read), however it's kept... Sort of "in the dark" since the official EME rules say that no homosexual acts can be performed.

Because of the no homosexual acts thing, several consultants of the movie "American Me" were killed, some of them were EME heavyweights(such as 'Rocky' Luna), because in the movie it was portrayed that an EME legend, 'Cheyenne' Cadena was raped in juvenile delinquents center. That was a major blow to EME members' egos, because if that was the case, Cadena would never be allowed to join.