Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
I'm a Christian. I do believe in God although at one point in my life I was skeptical.

I have my own views on Christianity and what I should do regarding my faith, but I don't let it offend me if others disagree or don't believe the same. Religion is tricky, so I keep it out of most conversations and debates. At the same time I couldn't care less what someone else is: Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pastafarian, atheist, I don't care. I try to be very live and let live. My only problem is when people use their faith/non-faith to tell other what they should and should not do. This goes for anyone. Religious nuts and secular atheists included.

I agree with this and with what Pizzaboy says to.

I must say though that at least this discussion seems rather calm and civil compared to what I used to see on internet; for example, when the admin takes parts in debates, chooses his "favorite" users and simply either closes the mouth to everybody who disagrees, or slanders and insults them. Here at least the forum administration lets breathe by keeping neutral in there aren't personal attacks and insults.
On some other forums, no (not organized crime ones, just others): it's really annoying to be treated like inferior just because you cross the local "favorite" users who get a "carte blanche" to insult whoever they want in the name of homosexuality (or in name of anti-homosexuality, religion, atheism, politics or whatever) and you can't even reply because the admin protects them and bans you for "harassing nice people" as he puts it.

I am religious and it's very tiresome to be constantly pointed out at a the "bad guy" or "ignorant" as if they themselves were better.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."