Originally Posted By: fergie
all based on miracles that are just fairytales used to scare children.

But for you to mock the faithful by calling their beliefs "fairytales" is okay, right? rolleyes

Are you telling me that my my parents, and especially my immigrant Italian grandparents, who were literally moved to tears by the beauty of religious imagery should be mocked for believing in fairytales? Or me? Or my wife and children? Have I ever mocked you?

So typical. Liberals love to call everyone else "hateful." Until you don't agree with their belief system. Then they become as hateful as anyone on the far right.

You're every bit the extremist as the people you're vilifying. You just don't know it because, like them, it's your way or the highway.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.