Originally Posted By: Joerusso
First Boston itself has many junkies as every major city do and drugs is drenched in every suburban city or town across the country that just the world we are in but there are many illegal guys who dont drugs and they are real young so your statement is not even close to making a point. As far as being a fan I am not. I was born and raised in the north end. My family and I mean people in my household is of that life so, wantin them to fail is not something I want at all. It might not be right but hey calling a mexican a wetback aint either. the towns and cities close to boston even 35 to 50 miles out the cities has connected guys, then your close to worcester and you do another 25 to 50 miles from worcester and you have springfield so is it fair to say that the selection pool is bigger than you imagined. The you have connecticut who has like 4 families in that state and rhose island which 60 to 70 percent of the state is italian. so to even think that the selection pool is small is just a ignorant idealogy and shows that someone may really know nothing.
Sonny you say Facts right ? I mean the indictments is self explanatory. No one is away for more than what Pretty Matty went away for. And he still in his 60's thats prime age. And on top of the low time spent in jail not one rat gave up significant information. I mean not for nothing, the war of the 90's who featured 90% non made guys, all doing big numbers and some are just getting home... so the only thing is how do we know they are making people ? I mean I mentioned at least 6-8 names in Providence right !! In Boston they are always rebuilding I mean East Boston alone is a factory. So

Who said the selection pool was small? I said TALENT pool, how many of these young guys are actually capable.

Members of your family are in the life and your on here talking up the New England mafia, wonder how they feel about that.