Originally Posted By: RollinBones
Joe Russo actually makes a lot of solid points. I'm from the area and there really is more to what's going on out here besides what you read in indictments. No offense Tommy Gambino but the Feds aren't the end all be all on knowledge of activity. Not to mention they're opening a casino smack in the middle of all these connected areas joe Russo mentioned, and connected guys have already been reported making money off the land deals with the developers.

So although things will never be as they were when Ray Sr and Gerry A were running things, to dismiss the region as nothing but "junkies and rats" shows how much you don't know. Just saying, there's more to it than what you read online.

I didn't say the feds are the be all and know all. I'm not saying New England are on there last legs, they have at least 40 made guys, they keep making guys in Boston, but the talent pool is really diminishing, they have made men junkies who are still active, which is incredible. They also have a lot of capable old timers but once they go there in serious trouble.