Originally Posted By: dsbaloo

Literally the whole upper echelon of la eme are all heroin addicts..and they keep using even when serving life in solitary..
For controlling much of the heroin distribution in southern california for all the hispanic street gangs you would think they would see what an absolute mess that stuff turns your life into by seeing all their junkie customers that they would never touch the stuff.. But they fucking love the junk.. Plus its breaking a huge common sense rule if you're a dealer.. Don't get high on your own supply.. Horrible for business.
I would recommend his book if anyone is interested. Its a good read and gives first hand insight into how trecherous that lifestyle is.. I think its called the black hand.. By chris blatchford.

Yeah but these guys are in jail for life so i dont fault them for becoming heroin additcts can you image the depression you would have knowing you would never get out of prison.